Monday, December 31, 2012
Sunday, December 30, 2012
"Hold your breath and watch !"
Bike race in Mexico
Video from facebook:
"The video was shot in Taxco de Alarcon located in the Mexican state of Guerrero, 170 km southwest of Mexico City. The bike rider with the head-cam is Brendan Fairclough."~27degrees
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Friday, November 9, 2012
2011年8月由 Discovery Channel 播映的節目《絕對好奇 - 第一季:上帝造宇宙?(Curiosity - Season 1:Did God Create the Universe?)》。
Monday, November 5, 2012
A baby seal can't find its mother...really cries at the end...
A baby seal can't find its mother...really cries at the end...
日本可2小时歼灭中国海军 ???
现代中国被很多人称为"军事强国",但实际情况呢? 前段时间中国军舰在南海被马来西亚小艇驱逐; 中国渔船在自己领海上被菲律宾军舰驱逐; 南中国海的资源被别人侵占开采; 中国驻南斯拉夫大使馆被美国人轰炸连赔款都不敢要; 台湾都不敢打,只敢摇旗呐喊; 就连索马里海盗都不敢碰,不但不敢碰,还送了400万给索马里大爷们花; 钓鱼岛乖乖送给日本; 中国大型货轮新星号在公海被俄国击沉,7名中国船员葬身大海,事后中国外交部不但不敢谴责,还要对俄罗斯救援行动表示感谢; 美国航母公然开进黄海进行军演,解放军连个屁都没敢放......这就是"强大"的中国军队。
Saturday, November 3, 2012
【CCTV10 探索发现 战争警报】纳粹的飞碟
Date: 2012-01-22
Program: 探索发现
Series: 战争警报
Episode: 纳粹的飞碟
希特勒活在南極洲 ??
傳言希特勒戰敗時並無自殺 而是帶著6000名科技人員與54艘潛水艇躲到南極洲去
Another documentory (with Chinese Sub title)
Program: 探索发现
Series: 战争警报
Episode: 纳粹的飞碟
希特勒活在南極洲 ??
傳言希特勒戰敗時並無自殺 而是帶著6000名科技人員與54艘潛水艇躲到南極洲去
Another documentory (with Chinese Sub title)
WWII carrier pigeon message discovered in Surrey (UK) chimney
Government code-breakers are working on deciphering a message that has remained a secret for 70 years.
It was found on the remains of a carrier pigeon that was discovered in a chimney, in Surrey, having been there for decades.
It is thought the contents of the note, once decoded, could provide fresh information from World War II.
John Maguire reports.
David Martin was renovating his house in southern England when found a carrier pigeon skeleton in his fireplace with a barrel attached to the leg, believed to contain a secret message dating back to World War Two.The message is so secret that it is written in code long since forgotten by the security services.
Now the Government Communications Headquarter (GCHQ) in Cheltenham, Glos, is hoping to decipher the note in a bid to unravel the mystery.
The Royal Pigeon Racing Association believe the bird probably either got lost, disorientated in bad weather, or was simply exhausted after its trip across the Channel.
Friday, November 2, 2012
The Ghoul Next Door: 10 Outrageous Yards Decorated for Halloween
Posted by ( Sat, Oct 27, 2012)
Is it just me, or are the Halloween decorations extra crazy this year? I don't know if more people are going all out for Halloween or if I'm just noticing it more, but it seems like some folks like to get their ghoul on even more than they enjoy decking the halls with boughs of holly. Here then are 10 of the coolest, cleverest, spooktacular Halloween yards around. If you haven't gone all out yet, maybe these will inspire a last-minute change of heart! - By Monica Bielanko
They Have Landed
Photo by: Facebook
A friend of mine posted this photo on Facebook. I think this one is actually my favorite of the bunch.
Photo by:
Like a scene straight out of a Tim Burton flick
Halloween Land
Photo by:
There is so much going on here it's almost overkill. Get it? Overkill
It's All About The Lighting
Photo by:
Halloween decor is all about strategically placed lights, as this yard demonstrates
Lights All Year Round
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I'm seeing more and more Christmas-like lights being used on Halloween and I totally dig it. Lights all year round, I say! Bring on the pink Valentine lights!
Photo by:
The perfect yard if you've got a family. Grounded, indeed
Ghostly Dinner Party
Photo by:
The all white affect is super creepy. Like a Diddy party but instead of in the Hamptons it's in Hell
Can't Go Wrong With a Fog Machine
Photo by: halloweenforum
This is something you can do on the fly at home. Stuff some of dad's close and hang them from a tree. Or just prop him in a chair next to the front door
Photo by:
These guys should get, like, the blue ribbon of Halloween House awards
Kids and Babies are Always Creepy
Photo by:
Baby carriage! Yes. This is good. Like I said, kids and babies are always creepy
A car mysteriously sliced in half ?
Spotted earlier this month: a car mysteriously sliced in half, lying on its side at the Singapore Expo car park

The most bizarre and unexpected footage captured on in-car cameras! You'll never know what could happen to your car on the road....
No, it's not the result of a crazy accident but actually part of a creative marketing campaign by local bank DBS as part of their DriveShield campaign.
A 44-second video mysteriously entitled "Halved Car" purportedly shows how the car came to be sawn in half.
It shows two young men dressed in bermudas sparring at night with a green and red light saber in an epic battle. One eventually manages to knock the other's light saber out of his hands, resulting in the weapon spiralling through the air before finally slicing through the car straight down the middle.
The video, which was uploaded two weeks ago, has since gone viral, with more than 77,000 views.
The ad is the first of a series of three videos, of which the latter two are tantalizingly called Iced and Magnetized.
We can't wait.
The most bizarre and unexpected footage captured on in-car cameras! You'll never know what could happen to your car on the road....
No, it's not the result of a crazy accident but actually part of a creative marketing campaign by local bank DBS as part of their DriveShield campaign.
A 44-second video mysteriously entitled "Halved Car" purportedly shows how the car came to be sawn in half.
It shows two young men dressed in bermudas sparring at night with a green and red light saber in an epic battle. One eventually manages to knock the other's light saber out of his hands, resulting in the weapon spiralling through the air before finally slicing through the car straight down the middle.
The video, which was uploaded two weeks ago, has since gone viral, with more than 77,000 views.
The ad is the first of a series of three videos, of which the latter two are tantalizingly called Iced and Magnetized.
We can't wait.
Monday, October 29, 2012
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Sunday, October 21, 2012
World's most extraordinary ancient structures
Ever wondered how did ancient civilisation with such primitive tools managed to construct extraordinary structures like the Stonehenge or the Pyramids? From feats of human engineering to downright miraculous, here are 10 of the most amazing historical sites in the world with the most remarkable stories behind them.
Tikal, Guatemala
This Mayan city-state is one of the largest and best preserved ruins of the civilisation. Native stories and legends have told over the decades that Tikal is shrouded in strange mystical mysteries and excavation has showed that it was abruptly abandoned by the Mayans over 1000 years ago with no visible evidence as to why.
Angkor Wat, Cambodia
This legendary ancient city was built by the Khmer kings in a process that lasted almost 4 centuries and was subsequently abandoned in the mid-1400s when Thai armies invaded. Hidden by jungles, the ruins were rediscovered in 1860 and the lost civilisation instantly piqued the research interest of Western archaeologists and historians.
Machu Picchu, Peru
Accessible only by train or a 4 day trek, this amazing site is widely referred to as the “Lost City of the Incas”. Invisible from below and completely self-contained, surrounded by agricultural promenades sufficient to feed the population, and watered by natural springs, the Machu Picchu site seemed to have been built by the Inca as a secret ceremonial city.
The Moai statues of Easter Island, Pacific Ocean
These massive and amazingly carved ancient relics, Moai are seen all over the island, and in different shapes, sizes, and stages of completion. Many statues were left unfinished at the quarry site and there is no evidence yet as to what functions did the Moai served. These incredibly carved statues are alas the only thing left of the mysterious Polynesian culture that once lived there.
Petra, Jordan

Discovered in 19th century by a Swiss explorer, the massive historical site was made famous by Hollywood motion picture, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade and one of the most recognisable spots is the Al Khazneh, commonly referred to as the ‘Treasury’. Its function was a mystery until a recent excavation revealed that the Treasury was actually a tomb, probably of the royalties.
The Great Pyramid of Giza, Egypt
These extraordinary 3,000 years old pyramid still hold a vast number of unopened chambers till this day. Historians and scientists are baffled at the remarkable human engineering of the pyramids that was built to directly align with the stars and the solstices.
The Roman Colosseum, Rome
Dating back from AD 72, this is the scene where countless stories of gory battles between gladiators, slaves, prisoners and wild animals have emerged from this amphitheatre. Capable of seating 50,000 spectators, the amphitheatre was ravaged by Roman popes and aristocrats, all eager to use its materials for their palaces and churches.
Stonehenge, England
Erected around 2500BC, this was an impressive engineering feat during its time. The massive stones were aligned almost perfectly with the sunrise on the summer solstice and for that reason it was speculated to be a site for ancient rituals as well as a sacred burial ground for high-ranking officials.
Taj Mahal, India

One of the finest prehistoric buildings in the world, this Mughal beauty was built by Emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his beloved wife who died in childbirth. It was constructed by twenty thousand workers from marble and inlayed with twenty-eight different kinds of precious and semi-precious stones from across India and Asia.
The Great Wall of China, China
The world’s longest man made structure, it is a breath-taking feat of ancient defence architecture that took over 21 centuries of construction and rebuilding. Formed mainly to protect the Chinese Empire from northern invaders, the wall is also known as the “longest cemetery on earth” because of the many deaths during its construction.
Tikal, Guatemala
Angkor Wat, Cambodia
This legendary ancient city was built by the Khmer kings in a process that lasted almost 4 centuries and was subsequently abandoned in the mid-1400s when Thai armies invaded. Hidden by jungles, the ruins were rediscovered in 1860 and the lost civilisation instantly piqued the research interest of Western archaeologists and historians.
Machu Picchu, Peru
The Moai statues of Easter Island, Pacific Ocean
These massive and amazingly carved ancient relics, Moai are seen all over the island, and in different shapes, sizes, and stages of completion. Many statues were left unfinished at the quarry site and there is no evidence yet as to what functions did the Moai served. These incredibly carved statues are alas the only thing left of the mysterious Polynesian culture that once lived there.
Petra, Jordan
Discovered in 19th century by a Swiss explorer, the massive historical site was made famous by Hollywood motion picture, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade and one of the most recognisable spots is the Al Khazneh, commonly referred to as the ‘Treasury’. Its function was a mystery until a recent excavation revealed that the Treasury was actually a tomb, probably of the royalties.
The Great Pyramid of Giza, Egypt
These extraordinary 3,000 years old pyramid still hold a vast number of unopened chambers till this day. Historians and scientists are baffled at the remarkable human engineering of the pyramids that was built to directly align with the stars and the solstices.
The Roman Colosseum, Rome
Dating back from AD 72, this is the scene where countless stories of gory battles between gladiators, slaves, prisoners and wild animals have emerged from this amphitheatre. Capable of seating 50,000 spectators, the amphitheatre was ravaged by Roman popes and aristocrats, all eager to use its materials for their palaces and churches.
Stonehenge, England
Erected around 2500BC, this was an impressive engineering feat during its time. The massive stones were aligned almost perfectly with the sunrise on the summer solstice and for that reason it was speculated to be a site for ancient rituals as well as a sacred burial ground for high-ranking officials.
Taj Mahal, India
One of the finest prehistoric buildings in the world, this Mughal beauty was built by Emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his beloved wife who died in childbirth. It was constructed by twenty thousand workers from marble and inlayed with twenty-eight different kinds of precious and semi-precious stones from across India and Asia.
The Great Wall of China, China
The world’s longest man made structure, it is a breath-taking feat of ancient defence architecture that took over 21 centuries of construction and rebuilding. Formed mainly to protect the Chinese Empire from northern invaders, the wall is also known as the “longest cemetery on earth” because of the many deaths during its construction.
Monday, October 8, 2012
2010年由 Discovery Channel 播映的紀錄片《百慕達三角大曝光(Bermuda Triangle Exposed)》。 人稱百慕達三角的地帶,是全球最危險、最令人無法解釋的海上墳場,範圍由百慕達到邁阿密到波多黎各,從海底二萬八千呎到空中二萬九千呎。幾十年來百慕達三角因為無法解釋而令人著迷。已經有二千艘船和七十五架飛機,在這裡消失得無影無蹤。 要是將百慕達三角還原到最基本的本質呢?除去層層面紗,實際觀察和研究這片四十四萬平方哩海域下的狀況。我們是否終於能解開百慕達三角謎團的幕後真相?答案就在《百慕達三角大曝光》。
Sunday, October 7, 2012
Saturday, October 6, 2012
Ghost dance @ Singapore
We took to the streets when we saw Sentosa's ad looking to hire ghosts for Spooktacular 2012.
Will you hire us Sentosa? We've not eaten anyone for many many years, and we are good with kids! Really!
Saturday, September 29, 2012
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Monday, September 17, 2012
A+++ Karoke LIVE !
This is one of the most impressive displays of raw talent you will ever see. A random South-East Asian girl steps up to a karaoke machine in a store in front of a grocery shop and sings Whitney Houston - I Will Always Love You. She absolutely floors everyone! A must see!
She is Zendee Rose Tenerefe from the Philippines.
She's now a mainstay performer at SOP, a Sunday entertainment tv program here in the Philippines . . .
Friday, September 14, 2012
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Lost Tapes - Aliens - 怪獸檔案:外星來客 (Eng Dup , Chinese Sub)
2009年由 Discovery Channel 播映的節目《怪獸檔案 - 第二季:外星來客(Lost Tapes - Season 2:Alien)》
World's most haunted hotels
Home to the paranormal and unexplained, haunted hotels never fail to fascinate even the biggest sceptics.These ghostly tales from hotels around the world are enough to send shivers down the spine of even the bravest soul.
First World Hotel (Genting Highlands, Malaysia)
No stranger to the locals, Genting Highlands is said to be one of the most haunted places in Malaysia. Also home to the famous casino resort, there has been numerous gambling-related suicides over the years. First World Hotel is infamous for its paranormal activities - guests who have stayed there would hear wailing spirits in the middle of the night, some have even seen ghostly apparitions jumping over the cliff only to vanish into thin air - the most famous account is a headless woman roaming around the corridor, apparently looking for her missing head.
Ston Easton Park (Somerset, UK)
This magnificent Palladian hotel in Somerset is home to the ghost of a murdered parlour maid who is said to stalk the top floor till this day.
Macdonald Berystede Hotel & Spa (Berkshire, UK)
Situated only ten minutes away from Windsor, the hotel is inhabited by the 'Blue Lady'; a chambermaid who died in a horrific fire while trying to retrieve her Madame’s jewels.
The Ancient Ram Inn (Gloucestershire, UK )
Built around 1145 over a 5000 year old pagan burial ground, the inn is the oldest building in Wotton-Under-Edge and is infamous for its highly active paranormal activities.
Grand Hyatt (Taipei, Taiwan)
It is said that the hotel was built on a World War II prison camp where hundreds of people were imprisoned and killed. Ghostly figures roaming the corridors and strange noises coming from unoccupied rooms are some of the spooky encounters reported here.
Sagamore Hotel (New York, US)
Situated in the unspoiled Adirondack Mountains, it is said to be the haunted home to several lost spirits, including that of a little boy roaming the golf course.
Asia Hotel (Bangkok, Thailand)
With dimly lit corridors and lights that flicker in the middle of the night, many hotel guests have encountered ghostly apparitions sitting on a sofa, staring at them and then vanish into thin air.
Crescent Hotel (Arkansas, US)
The Crescent Hotel gained national notoriety after being featured on paranormal series “Ghost Hunters” and was certified haunted by the show’s experts.
The Roosevelt Hotel (Los Angeles, US)
The living A-lists haunt the Chateau Marmont, while for the celebs of the underworld, like Marilyn Monroe and Montgomery Clift, chose The Roosevelt as their favourite joint.
The Taj Mahal Palace (Mumbai, India)
The Taj Mahal Hotel in Mumbai is said to be haunted by her late Chief Engineer, W.A. Chambers who died of a broken heart after discovering the palace was not built according to his original designs. According to hotel employees and guests, his spirit can be found roaming in the old wing of the hotel.
Hotel del Coronado (San Diego, California, US)
The most famous haunting is the story of Kate Morgan who checked into room 302; her dead body was found six days later on the steps to the beach in front of the hotel.
The Stanley Hotel (Colarado, US)
Room 217 was apparently the inspiration behind the successful novel “The Shining” by acclaimed horror author, Stephen King.
Provincial Hotel (New Orleans, US)
Building #5 is said to be the most haunted area in the hotel. Guests have reportedly seen dead soldiers lying in a pool of blood screaming in pain and subsequently vanish the moment lights are turned on.
Source : Yahoo news (Sept 2012)
Friday, September 7, 2012
The World´s Strangest UFO Stories - Have Aliens Invaded Scotland ?
1 of 5
2 of 5
3 of 5
4 of 5
5 of 5
2 of 5
3 of 5
4 of 5
5 of 5
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
AirAsia steward explains zany airline safety announcement
Remember the AirAsia announcement clip that went viral recently? You know the one we're talking about - the hilarious video of the in-flight safety instruction which had airline passengers hooting in laughter.
Well, Yahoo! Malaysia spoke to Quinton Dinesh Thomas, the senior flight attendant in charge of the zany announcement and this is what he had to say.
"I have boarded many flights as a passenger or when i was a junior crew and realized that during the safety demo briefing, many passenger read books, sleep or just look outside the window instead of paying attention.
"I would rather have at least 90% of passengers - better 100% of them - listen, smile, laugh, enjoy the safety briefing, than to have 50% not paying attention at all," Thomas said.
Well, his announcement certainly got the attention of the denizens of cyberspace. The video of his announcement was put up on YouTube on April 12 and has already got over 417,000 views so far.
The posting resulted in dozens of comments as well as over 2,000 'likes'.
One commenter said this was the first time in 20 years he or she paid attention to an in-flight announcement.
Another called the announcement 'amazing' and said flight announcements - especially safety ones - should be done creatively and in an engaging manner.
"I can now easily recall the safety measures. You did a good thing by posting this video. I hope Air Asia acknowledges you, especially when the media picks up on this," said the person, whose login name was 'kevinrohanthomas'.
According to 'saymawa', the person who uploaded the video, the announcement was made during a flight from Kuala Lumpur to Krabi, Thailand.
He added he was aware his job is on the line because of his deviation from the standard text announcements requested from the Department of Civil Aviation but said he wanted to do something to educate and entertain passengers while ensuring they got the safety message clearly.
"I never work for the money, I work because I enjoy what I do and I love my job,"said Thomas.
We think he deserves a round of applause for getting people to listen to him. What about you?
Well, Yahoo! Malaysia spoke to Quinton Dinesh Thomas, the senior flight attendant in charge of the zany announcement and this is what he had to say.
"I have boarded many flights as a passenger or when i was a junior crew and realized that during the safety demo briefing, many passenger read books, sleep or just look outside the window instead of paying attention.
"I would rather have at least 90% of passengers - better 100% of them - listen, smile, laugh, enjoy the safety briefing, than to have 50% not paying attention at all," Thomas said.
Well, his announcement certainly got the attention of the denizens of cyberspace. The video of his announcement was put up on YouTube on April 12 and has already got over 417,000 views so far.
The posting resulted in dozens of comments as well as over 2,000 'likes'.
One commenter said this was the first time in 20 years he or she paid attention to an in-flight announcement.
Another called the announcement 'amazing' and said flight announcements - especially safety ones - should be done creatively and in an engaging manner.
"I can now easily recall the safety measures. You did a good thing by posting this video. I hope Air Asia acknowledges you, especially when the media picks up on this," said the person, whose login name was 'kevinrohanthomas'.
According to 'saymawa', the person who uploaded the video, the announcement was made during a flight from Kuala Lumpur to Krabi, Thailand.
He added he was aware his job is on the line because of his deviation from the standard text announcements requested from the Department of Civil Aviation but said he wanted to do something to educate and entertain passengers while ensuring they got the safety message clearly.
"I never work for the money, I work because I enjoy what I do and I love my job,"said Thomas.
We think he deserves a round of applause for getting people to listen to him. What about you?
Saturday, April 14, 2012
13 Freaky Facts About Friday the 13th
Does Friday the 13th freak you out? If so, hold on to your rabbit's foot extra tight, because there are three of these supposedly unlucky dates in 2012, and today (April 13) is one of them.
Read on for 13 strange facts about this day of superstition.
1. This year is a special one for Friday the 13ths: There are three of them: Jan. 13, April 13 and July 13. The freaky thing? The dates fall exactly 13 weeks apart. That hasn't happened since 1984.
2. If that scares you, you may have paraskavedekatriaphobia (also known as friggatriskaidekaphobia). Those are the scientific terms for fear of Friday the 13th. Triskaidekaphobia is fear of the number 13.
3. It's not clear when or why Friday the 13th became associated with bad luck. The association may be biblical, given that the 13th guest at the Last Supper betrayed Jesus. His crucifixion was the next day, apparently a Friday. Or maybe 13 suffers from coming after the more-pleasing number 12, which gets to number the months, the days of Christmas and even the eggs in a dozen. (There are also 12 signs of the zodiac, 12 gods of Olympus, 12 labors of Hercules, 12 tribes of Israel and 12 apostles of Jesus.)
4. Whatever the reason, fear of 13 has spread far and wide: Hotels and hospitals often skip the 13th floor, and even airports quietly omit gate 13 sometimes.
5. The next year in which we'll have three Friday the 13ths is 2015. They'll fall in February, March and November.
6. If you think your Friday the 13th is likely to be bad, be glad you aren't a 14th-century Knight Templar. On Oct. 13, 1307, officers of King Philip IV of France raided the homes of thousands of these Crusades warriors, imprisoning them on charges of illegal activities. Though the charges weren't proven, more than a hundred died of terrible torture, according to "Tales of the Knights Templar" (Warner Books, 1995).
7. Fittingly, director of psychological thrillers Alfred Hitchcock was born on the 13th — Friday, Aug. 13, 1999, would have been his 100th birthday. Perhaps aptly titled "Number 13," a film that was supposed to be Hitchcock's directorial debut never made it past the first few scenes and was shut down due to financial problems. He allegedly said the film wasn't very interesting. (Meanwhile, Fidel Castro was born on Friday the 13th, in August 1926.)
8. Why does the Friday the 13th superstition stick so firmly in our minds? According to Thomas Gilovich, who chairs the department of psychology at Cornell University, our brains are almost too good at making associations.
"If anything bad happens to you on Friday the 13th, the two will be forever associated in your mind, and all those uneventful days in which the 13th fell on a Friday will be ignored," Gilovich said in a statement. [13 Superstitions & Traditions Explained]
9. For pagans, 13 is actually a lucky number. It corresponds with the number of full moons in a year.
10. President Franklin D. Roosevelt is said to have avoided travel on the 13th day of any month, and would never host 13 guests at a meal. Napoleon and President Herbert Hoover were also triskaidekaphobic, with an abnormal fear of the number 13.
11. Mark Twain once was the 13th guest at a dinner party. A friend warned him not to go. "It was bad luck," Twain later told the friend. "They only had food for 12." Superstitious diners in Paris can hire a quatorzieme, or professional 14th guest. [13 Odd Occurrences on Friday the 13th]
12. Stock broker and author Thomas W. Lawson, in his 1907 novel "Friday the Thirteenth," wrote of a stockbroker's attempts to take down Wall Street on the unluckiest day of the month. Reportedly, stock brokers after this were as unlikely to buy or sell stocks on this unlucky day as they were to walk under a ladder, according to accounts of a 1925 New York Times article.
13. This fear of Friday the 13th can be serious business, according to the Stress Management Center and Phobia Institute in Asheville, N.C., which, among other things, offers therapy to help people overcome their fear of the freaky friday. Their estimates suggest hundreds of millions of dollars, up to $900 million are lost due to people's fear of flying or doing the business as usual that day, though that number isn't backed up with other estimates.
By @ 13/4/2012 (Friday)
Read on for 13 strange facts about this day of superstition.
1. This year is a special one for Friday the 13ths: There are three of them: Jan. 13, April 13 and July 13. The freaky thing? The dates fall exactly 13 weeks apart. That hasn't happened since 1984.
2. If that scares you, you may have paraskavedekatriaphobia (also known as friggatriskaidekaphobia). Those are the scientific terms for fear of Friday the 13th. Triskaidekaphobia is fear of the number 13.
3. It's not clear when or why Friday the 13th became associated with bad luck. The association may be biblical, given that the 13th guest at the Last Supper betrayed Jesus. His crucifixion was the next day, apparently a Friday. Or maybe 13 suffers from coming after the more-pleasing number 12, which gets to number the months, the days of Christmas and even the eggs in a dozen. (There are also 12 signs of the zodiac, 12 gods of Olympus, 12 labors of Hercules, 12 tribes of Israel and 12 apostles of Jesus.)
4. Whatever the reason, fear of 13 has spread far and wide: Hotels and hospitals often skip the 13th floor, and even airports quietly omit gate 13 sometimes.
5. The next year in which we'll have three Friday the 13ths is 2015. They'll fall in February, March and November.
6. If you think your Friday the 13th is likely to be bad, be glad you aren't a 14th-century Knight Templar. On Oct. 13, 1307, officers of King Philip IV of France raided the homes of thousands of these Crusades warriors, imprisoning them on charges of illegal activities. Though the charges weren't proven, more than a hundred died of terrible torture, according to "Tales of the Knights Templar" (Warner Books, 1995).
7. Fittingly, director of psychological thrillers Alfred Hitchcock was born on the 13th — Friday, Aug. 13, 1999, would have been his 100th birthday. Perhaps aptly titled "Number 13," a film that was supposed to be Hitchcock's directorial debut never made it past the first few scenes and was shut down due to financial problems. He allegedly said the film wasn't very interesting. (Meanwhile, Fidel Castro was born on Friday the 13th, in August 1926.)
8. Why does the Friday the 13th superstition stick so firmly in our minds? According to Thomas Gilovich, who chairs the department of psychology at Cornell University, our brains are almost too good at making associations.
"If anything bad happens to you on Friday the 13th, the two will be forever associated in your mind, and all those uneventful days in which the 13th fell on a Friday will be ignored," Gilovich said in a statement. [13 Superstitions & Traditions Explained]
9. For pagans, 13 is actually a lucky number. It corresponds with the number of full moons in a year.
10. President Franklin D. Roosevelt is said to have avoided travel on the 13th day of any month, and would never host 13 guests at a meal. Napoleon and President Herbert Hoover were also triskaidekaphobic, with an abnormal fear of the number 13.
11. Mark Twain once was the 13th guest at a dinner party. A friend warned him not to go. "It was bad luck," Twain later told the friend. "They only had food for 12." Superstitious diners in Paris can hire a quatorzieme, or professional 14th guest. [13 Odd Occurrences on Friday the 13th]
12. Stock broker and author Thomas W. Lawson, in his 1907 novel "Friday the Thirteenth," wrote of a stockbroker's attempts to take down Wall Street on the unluckiest day of the month. Reportedly, stock brokers after this were as unlikely to buy or sell stocks on this unlucky day as they were to walk under a ladder, according to accounts of a 1925 New York Times article.
13. This fear of Friday the 13th can be serious business, according to the Stress Management Center and Phobia Institute in Asheville, N.C., which, among other things, offers therapy to help people overcome their fear of the freaky friday. Their estimates suggest hundreds of millions of dollars, up to $900 million are lost due to people's fear of flying or doing the business as usual that day, though that number isn't backed up with other estimates.
By @ 13/4/2012 (Friday)
Friday, March 30, 2012
Small village of Bugarach, in France, allegedly "Doomsday safety place".
"The tiny southern French hamlet of Bugarach is at the mercy of scams from droves of visitors who believe it is the only place in the world that will survive a 2012 apocalypse.
A French government watchdog, which monitors sects, said the picturesque village should be monitored until December 21, 2012, when many believe the world will end, according to an ancient Mayan prophecy."
A French government watchdog, which monitors sects, said the picturesque village should be monitored until December 21, 2012, when many believe the world will end, according to an ancient Mayan prophecy."
China's Ghost Cities
Vast cities are being built across China at a rate of ten a year, but they remain almost uninhabited ghost towns. It's estimated there are 64 million empty apartments.
Urine eggs @ China
Eggs boiled and simmered in urine of virgin boys are a popular springtime snack in eastern China. -- video by Reuters
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Japan's Mysterious Pyramids (Yonaguni)
It was discoverred at 1987...
Evidence of an advanced civilization buried beneath the sea that could be more than 10,000 years old.Yonaguni is the name of the westernmost island of Japan.
FULL VERSION History Channel Documentary :
Let's go for a tour :
Evidence of an advanced civilization buried beneath the sea that could be more than 10,000 years old.Yonaguni is the name of the westernmost island of Japan.
FULL VERSION History Channel Documentary :
Let's go for a tour :
Voynich Manuscript
Mysterious book that contains many UNDECIFERED secrets!!
This is the book content....
This is the book content....
300 Million Years Old Fossilised UFOs
The UFO gangues were found in an abandoned heap of gangues. There are several coal mines around the heap. Gangues are the abandoned materials left after the coal has been extracted from the rock. Among these UFO gangues, several of them have diameters over 4.9 feet and thicknesses between 7.9 inches and 23.6 inches. They weighed between 1764 pounds and 1 ton.
On May 27, 2007, several dozen "UFO" shaped gangues were found in Shangrao County, Jiangxi Province. Experts indicate that the UFO gangues were formed about 300 million years ago.
An engineer from the Shangrao Coal Bureau suggested that the ages of the UFO gangues are between the Paleozoic Late Carboniferous and Early Permian, so they're about 300 million years ago.
The UFO stones appear not only in Jiangxi, but they were also found near the Shuibuya Dam Project of the Sichuan Three Gorges Reservoir. The UFO stones there weigh about 44 pounds each.
Local villagers who were building the inter-village highway there found these UFO stones. The stones were located near Big Cave Bay in Shanlicheng Village of Badong Shuibuya. Big Cave Bay is a natural cavern. There's a clear stream flowing outside of the cavern. Xiang Zhiyu, a Qizu Village resident who worked on a section of the inter-village highway, found these strange stones when he was blasting the rocks near the Big Cave Bay area.
The UFO stones were lined up horizontally about 1.6 feet apart and are evenly distributed. It was reported that UFO stones have an especially hard texture. They are obviously different from the stones from the mountains in this area.
On May 27, 2007, several dozen "UFO" shaped gangues were found in Shangrao County, Jiangxi Province. Experts indicate that the UFO gangues were formed about 300 million years ago.
An engineer from the Shangrao Coal Bureau suggested that the ages of the UFO gangues are between the Paleozoic Late Carboniferous and Early Permian, so they're about 300 million years ago.
The UFO stones appear not only in Jiangxi, but they were also found near the Shuibuya Dam Project of the Sichuan Three Gorges Reservoir. The UFO stones there weigh about 44 pounds each.
Local villagers who were building the inter-village highway there found these UFO stones. The stones were located near Big Cave Bay in Shanlicheng Village of Badong Shuibuya. Big Cave Bay is a natural cavern. There's a clear stream flowing outside of the cavern. Xiang Zhiyu, a Qizu Village resident who worked on a section of the inter-village highway, found these strange stones when he was blasting the rocks near the Big Cave Bay area.
The UFO stones were lined up horizontally about 1.6 feet apart and are evenly distributed. It was reported that UFO stones have an especially hard texture. They are obviously different from the stones from the mountains in this area.
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Story : The bride was beautiful
Story summary:
The photo set is of 21 year old Katie Kirkpatrick, a cancer sufferer, getting married. She is pictured getting chemotherapy, then putting on her earrings while her shoulder blades jut painfully out from her backless wedding dress. In a particularly poignant shot, she is shown resting her head on the back of a chair while the festivities go on.
Katie Kirkpatrick,held off cancer to celebrate the happiest day of her life. Katie had chased cancer, once only to have it return-to clog her lungs and grab hold of her heart. Breathing was difficult now, she had to use oxygen. The pain in her back was so intense it broke through the morphine that was supposed to act as a shield. Her organs were shutting down but it would not stop her from marrying Nick Godwin, 23, who was in love with Katie since 11th grade.
An oxygen tank accompanied Katie at her wedding, and she was wheeled, not walked down the aisle. Along with diamond earrings, she also wore an insert in her nose for oxygen. The caption accompanying this photo montage states that Katie died five days after her wedding, and reminds the reader not to live a complicated life.
This remarkable photo set was taken on January 11, 2005. Before her wedding, Katie had already suffered from organ failures and was dependent on morphine to make life bearable. She also had to endured hours of chemotherapy a day.
Her battle with cancer began in 2002 on Valentine's Day, when she was diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor. Katie was just a freshman at college then. She kept on studying, but suffered another setback in '03, when she was diagnosed not just with "an inoperable lung tumour", but one wrapped around her pulmonary artery. Katie could have given up then, but she didn't, opting to even take part in a cycling fundraiser for cancer patients the year after. Another year after that, she got married.
In a world where material items and tangible goals are all that matter, it is a struggle every day to remember that it is the intangible things in life that matter most. Take a moment each day to think of all the love you receive in your life - then give it back, just like Katie did.
Katie didn't lose her battle to cancer - she beat it by doing everything she wanted to, with all her heart.
Katie Kirkpatrick, left, and Nick Godwin, wait for the nurse to come and start Katie's treatment at McLaren Regional Medical Center in Flint on the morning of January 12, 2005. Nick Godwin works night shift as a Lapeer County Sheriff's deputy and took Katie to the medical center right after a night's work, three days before their wedding. Katie is tired from not being able to sleep at night because of her pain and Nick had worked a night shift.
Katie Kirkpatrick, 21, holds some of her daily medication for several minutes before taking them as she waves in and out of sleep because of the morphine she takes while sitting in the livingroom of the familly home in Metamora on January 11, 2005. Katie has cancer of the lungs.
Katie is in a lot of pain in the days leading to her wedding taking morphine and numerous medications to help her. Niki Kirkpatrick,right, took a leave of abscence from work so she can take care of her daugther Katie who now needs constant assistance.
Nick Godwin, 23, left, takes a moment of rest while his bride Katie Kirkpatrick, right, gets an intravenous procedure to reduce the amount of fluids her body is retaining at McLaren Regional Medical Center in Flint on January 12, 2005. Nick Godwin who works night shift as a Lapeer County Sheriff's deputy took Katie to the medical center after a night's work, three days before their wedding.
Katie Kirkpatrick walks past a photograph of herself when she was homecoming queen at Lapeer East High School where she also was a co-valedictorian. the photograph sits on a table in her familly's home livingroom in Metamora on January 11, 2005.
Katie Kirkpatrick, puts on some hearings a few minutes before walking down the aisle to marry Nick Godwin, who she had known since 11th grade, at Church of Christ in Hazel Park on Saturday January 15, 2005.
Katie Kirkpatrick and Nick Godwin,, cuddle up for a moment while waiting for the wedding photographer to get ready after getting married
Dave Kirkpatrick gives the thumbs up to his new son in law while admiring the couple with his wife Niki Kirkpatrick, right, after Nick and Katie got married at Church of Christ in Hazel Park
Katie Kirkpatrick Godwin, right, gets serenaded by her new husband Nick Godwin, and his best men during the wedding party on the dance floor
Katie Kirkpatrick Godwin, center, rests for a few moments during her wedding party. Katie was exhausted. Her face looked as white as her gown.
Five days later, Katie died. She did not let sickness stop her from living, take away the hope or faith that made her believe she had a future. She had a lovely wedding and she had love and she gave love and love doesn' t die. And that is how Katie beat cancer.
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Hantu Jepun – one of the many mysterious military spirits
By Susan Tam | Yahoo! Malaysia Newsroom – Sun, Feb 5, 2012
Paranormal researcher Arwin John's take on spirits is that spirits emit electromagnetic waves that could be detected with specially designed instruments.
A firm believer in science, and a brave man, Arwin who is the founder of Malaysian Paranormal Research, tells Yahoo! Malaysia of his own encounter with the spiritual kind at a Chinese cemetery in Gunung Rapat. During an investigation in the middle of the night, he saw a little girl who vanished into thin air once he realised she wasn't human.
He now works with an affiliate in Germany, studying the phenomenon on how spirits exist and how he and the team could make contact with the afterlife.
"We find that when spirits die, some times they are still anchored to their physical memory," he explained, which is a likely explanation of one of the more famous ghosts in Malaysia, the spirit of Japanese soldiers.

Ghost of the Japanese past
The ghost of the Japanese soldier or Hantu Jepun refers to wandering spirits of dead Japan military personnel, who was once stationed in Malaysia, and around the Southeast Asian region during World War 2.
These spirits are often seen wandering in full uniform, bearing arms or swords, or in a more terrifying state - walking around headless or carrying its head. The spirits tend to appear in buildings, cemeteries and hostels which were once used as Japanese bases.
At times, sightings of the Hantu Jepun are described as scenes of Japanese soldiers lining up in formation or marching to attention.
This explains the sounds of marching boots in most, if not all of the Hantu Jepun stories shared by the Malaysian community as well as those who encounter the spirits all across Southeast Asia.
Some people believe that the appearance of this ghost evokes feelings of loneliness, death, cruelty, torment and fear
Old sites and sounds
Colonial buildings are common places where the spirits of Japanese soldiers roam.
Take the Malay College Kuala Kangsar in Perak as an example. The school is known to be a former site of Japanese occupation. A marching platoon could be heard in the field and sounds of dragging chains across the corridors.
These old sites are known to be places for executions, where Japanese soldiers behead their prisoners.
Other institutions that are known to have experienced ghostly encounters of the Hantu Jepun are Victoria Institution and former Bukit Bintang Girls School, now the site of popular Pavillion shopping mall, on along Jalan Bukit Bintang in Kuala Lumpur.
And in Singapore, a well-known university was known to have put up signs to warn its students of ghosts of Japanese soldiers, marching throughout corridors and turning lights on and off in different classrooms or halls.
Military in nature
A marine called Albert F, shared his experience at the Clark Marine Base, on how he came across what he thought was the ghost of a Japanese soldier.
He wrote that he was patrolling alone at a section of the weapons storage areas and saw a human-like figure standing by a utility pole. Albert said he knew no one else was on duty that night and called his based to confirm that.
"They said none - I was the only one in the area. I called back and announced I have an intruder in the area. I started to move on the intruder.
"When I yelled out for the intruder to stop, the person came out entirely from the side of the utility pole and started heading away from me, not really running, but he seemed to be floating away from me," he wrote.
Albert shot a signal flare to shed light on the open field to see his intruder, but he saw nothing. The person had disappeared.
Wandering soldiers
E. Kho, 35-year-old sales manager shared her experiences with Yahoo! Malaysia, describing how she came across spirits of the military kind.
They were not Japanese soldiers, but they were the navy crew that died on the Cheonan Ship in 2009. The 1,200-tonne ship capsized after a mysterious explosion caused it to sink.
"I was in Seoul the day the government organised a memorial service for the officers and soldiers that died in the accident.
"I could feel their presence and even see some of them in full uniform, wandering around.
"It was a sad moment, because I could sense that these spirits did not even know they have died and were wandering restlessly outside Seoul City Hall," she recalled.
Paranormal researcher Arwin John's take on spirits is that spirits emit electromagnetic waves that could be detected with specially designed instruments.
A firm believer in science, and a brave man, Arwin who is the founder of Malaysian Paranormal Research, tells Yahoo! Malaysia of his own encounter with the spiritual kind at a Chinese cemetery in Gunung Rapat. During an investigation in the middle of the night, he saw a little girl who vanished into thin air once he realised she wasn't human.
He now works with an affiliate in Germany, studying the phenomenon on how spirits exist and how he and the team could make contact with the afterlife.
"We find that when spirits die, some times they are still anchored to their physical memory," he explained, which is a likely explanation of one of the more famous ghosts in Malaysia, the spirit of Japanese soldiers.
Ghost of the Japanese past
The ghost of the Japanese soldier or Hantu Jepun refers to wandering spirits of dead Japan military personnel, who was once stationed in Malaysia, and around the Southeast Asian region during World War 2.
These spirits are often seen wandering in full uniform, bearing arms or swords, or in a more terrifying state - walking around headless or carrying its head. The spirits tend to appear in buildings, cemeteries and hostels which were once used as Japanese bases.
At times, sightings of the Hantu Jepun are described as scenes of Japanese soldiers lining up in formation or marching to attention.
This explains the sounds of marching boots in most, if not all of the Hantu Jepun stories shared by the Malaysian community as well as those who encounter the spirits all across Southeast Asia.
Some people believe that the appearance of this ghost evokes feelings of loneliness, death, cruelty, torment and fear
Old sites and sounds
Colonial buildings are common places where the spirits of Japanese soldiers roam.
Take the Malay College Kuala Kangsar in Perak as an example. The school is known to be a former site of Japanese occupation. A marching platoon could be heard in the field and sounds of dragging chains across the corridors.
These old sites are known to be places for executions, where Japanese soldiers behead their prisoners.
Other institutions that are known to have experienced ghostly encounters of the Hantu Jepun are Victoria Institution and former Bukit Bintang Girls School, now the site of popular Pavillion shopping mall, on along Jalan Bukit Bintang in Kuala Lumpur.
And in Singapore, a well-known university was known to have put up signs to warn its students of ghosts of Japanese soldiers, marching throughout corridors and turning lights on and off in different classrooms or halls.
Military in nature
A marine called Albert F, shared his experience at the Clark Marine Base, on how he came across what he thought was the ghost of a Japanese soldier.
He wrote that he was patrolling alone at a section of the weapons storage areas and saw a human-like figure standing by a utility pole. Albert said he knew no one else was on duty that night and called his based to confirm that.
"They said none - I was the only one in the area. I called back and announced I have an intruder in the area. I started to move on the intruder.
"When I yelled out for the intruder to stop, the person came out entirely from the side of the utility pole and started heading away from me, not really running, but he seemed to be floating away from me," he wrote.
Albert shot a signal flare to shed light on the open field to see his intruder, but he saw nothing. The person had disappeared.
Wandering soldiers
E. Kho, 35-year-old sales manager shared her experiences with Yahoo! Malaysia, describing how she came across spirits of the military kind.
They were not Japanese soldiers, but they were the navy crew that died on the Cheonan Ship in 2009. The 1,200-tonne ship capsized after a mysterious explosion caused it to sink.
"I was in Seoul the day the government organised a memorial service for the officers and soldiers that died in the accident.
"I could feel their presence and even see some of them in full uniform, wandering around.
"It was a sad moment, because I could sense that these spirits did not even know they have died and were wandering restlessly outside Seoul City Hall," she recalled.
Sunday, February 5, 2012
Fourth potentially habitable planet is discovered
~ NASA handout image from 2009 shows a view of a colorful assortment of 100,000 stars residing in the crowded core of a giant star cluster.
International astronomers said on Thursday they have found the fourth potentially habitable planet outside our solar system with temperatures that could support water and life about 22 light-years from Earth.
The team analyzed data from the European Southern Observatory about a star known as GJ 667C, which is known as an M-class dwarf star and puts out much less heat than our Sun.
However, at least three planets are orbiting close to the star, and one of them appears to be close enough that it likely absorbs about as much incoming light and energy as Earth, has similar surface temperatures and perhaps water.
The new rocky planet, GJ 667Cc, orbits its star every 28.15 days -- meaning its year equals about one Earth month -- and has a mass at least 4.5 times that of Earth, according to the research published in Astrophysical Journal Letters.
"This planet is the new best candidate to support liquid water and, perhaps, life as we know it," said Guillem Anglada-Escudé who was with the Carnegie Institution for Science when he conducted the research but has since moved on to the University of Gottingen in Germany.
The theory about water, however, cannot be confirmed until astronomers learn more about the planetâs atmosphere.
Other planets circling the same star -- which is part of a three-star system -- could include a gas-giant and an additional super-Earth with an orbital period of 75 days, but more observations are needed to confirm that.
Some experts have been skeptical that M-class dwarf stars could have planets that support life because they are too dim and tend to have lots of solar flare activity which could send off lethal radiation to nearby planets.
And even though this star, GJ 667C, has a much lower abundance of elements heavier than helium, such as iron, carbon, and silicon -- the building blocks of terrestrial planets -- than our Sun, astronomers are intrigued by the possibilities.
"This was expected to be a rather unlikely star to host planets. Yet there they are, around a very nearby, metal-poor example of the most common type of star in our galaxy," said co-author Steven Vogt, a professor of astronomy and astrophysics at University of California Santa Cruz.
"The detection of this planet, this nearby and this soon, implies that our galaxy must be teeming with billions of potentially habitable rocky planets."
French astronomers in May last year confirmed the first exoplanet, Gliese 581d, to meet key requirements for sustaining life. It is a rocky planet about 20 light-years away.
Swiss astronomers reported in August that another planet, HD 85512 b, about 36 light-years away seemed to be in the habitable zone of its star.
The US space agency NASA confirmed its first such planet late last year, Kepler 22b, about 600 light-years away.
Source : AFP News – Fri, Feb 3, 2012
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