Friday, November 9, 2012
2011年8月由 Discovery Channel 播映的節目《絕對好奇 - 第一季:上帝造宇宙?(Curiosity - Season 1:Did God Create the Universe?)》。
Monday, November 5, 2012
A baby seal can't find its mother...really cries at the end...
A baby seal can't find its mother...really cries at the end...
日本可2小时歼灭中国海军 ???
现代中国被很多人称为"军事强国",但实际情况呢? 前段时间中国军舰在南海被马来西亚小艇驱逐; 中国渔船在自己领海上被菲律宾军舰驱逐; 南中国海的资源被别人侵占开采; 中国驻南斯拉夫大使馆被美国人轰炸连赔款都不敢要; 台湾都不敢打,只敢摇旗呐喊; 就连索马里海盗都不敢碰,不但不敢碰,还送了400万给索马里大爷们花; 钓鱼岛乖乖送给日本; 中国大型货轮新星号在公海被俄国击沉,7名中国船员葬身大海,事后中国外交部不但不敢谴责,还要对俄罗斯救援行动表示感谢; 美国航母公然开进黄海进行军演,解放军连个屁都没敢放......这就是"强大"的中国军队。
Saturday, November 3, 2012
【CCTV10 探索发现 战争警报】纳粹的飞碟
Date: 2012-01-22
Program: 探索发现
Series: 战争警报
Episode: 纳粹的飞碟
希特勒活在南極洲 ??
傳言希特勒戰敗時並無自殺 而是帶著6000名科技人員與54艘潛水艇躲到南極洲去
Another documentory (with Chinese Sub title)
Program: 探索发现
Series: 战争警报
Episode: 纳粹的飞碟
希特勒活在南極洲 ??
傳言希特勒戰敗時並無自殺 而是帶著6000名科技人員與54艘潛水艇躲到南極洲去
Another documentory (with Chinese Sub title)
WWII carrier pigeon message discovered in Surrey (UK) chimney
Government code-breakers are working on deciphering a message that has remained a secret for 70 years.
It was found on the remains of a carrier pigeon that was discovered in a chimney, in Surrey, having been there for decades.
It is thought the contents of the note, once decoded, could provide fresh information from World War II.
John Maguire reports.
David Martin was renovating his house in southern England when found a carrier pigeon skeleton in his fireplace with a barrel attached to the leg, believed to contain a secret message dating back to World War Two.The message is so secret that it is written in code long since forgotten by the security services.
Now the Government Communications Headquarter (GCHQ) in Cheltenham, Glos, is hoping to decipher the note in a bid to unravel the mystery.
The Royal Pigeon Racing Association believe the bird probably either got lost, disorientated in bad weather, or was simply exhausted after its trip across the Channel.
Friday, November 2, 2012
The Ghoul Next Door: 10 Outrageous Yards Decorated for Halloween
Posted by ( Sat, Oct 27, 2012)
Is it just me, or are the Halloween decorations extra crazy this year? I don't know if more people are going all out for Halloween or if I'm just noticing it more, but it seems like some folks like to get their ghoul on even more than they enjoy decking the halls with boughs of holly. Here then are 10 of the coolest, cleverest, spooktacular Halloween yards around. If you haven't gone all out yet, maybe these will inspire a last-minute change of heart! - By Monica Bielanko
They Have Landed
Photo by: Facebook
A friend of mine posted this photo on Facebook. I think this one is actually my favorite of the bunch.
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Like a scene straight out of a Tim Burton flick
Halloween Land
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There is so much going on here it's almost overkill. Get it? Overkill
It's All About The Lighting
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Halloween decor is all about strategically placed lights, as this yard demonstrates
Lights All Year Round
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I'm seeing more and more Christmas-like lights being used on Halloween and I totally dig it. Lights all year round, I say! Bring on the pink Valentine lights!
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The perfect yard if you've got a family. Grounded, indeed
Ghostly Dinner Party
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The all white affect is super creepy. Like a Diddy party but instead of in the Hamptons it's in Hell
Can't Go Wrong With a Fog Machine
Photo by: halloweenforum
This is something you can do on the fly at home. Stuff some of dad's close and hang them from a tree. Or just prop him in a chair next to the front door
Photo by:
These guys should get, like, the blue ribbon of Halloween House awards
Kids and Babies are Always Creepy
Photo by:
Baby carriage! Yes. This is good. Like I said, kids and babies are always creepy
A car mysteriously sliced in half ?
Spotted earlier this month: a car mysteriously sliced in half, lying on its side at the Singapore Expo car park

The most bizarre and unexpected footage captured on in-car cameras! You'll never know what could happen to your car on the road....
No, it's not the result of a crazy accident but actually part of a creative marketing campaign by local bank DBS as part of their DriveShield campaign.
A 44-second video mysteriously entitled "Halved Car" purportedly shows how the car came to be sawn in half.
It shows two young men dressed in bermudas sparring at night with a green and red light saber in an epic battle. One eventually manages to knock the other's light saber out of his hands, resulting in the weapon spiralling through the air before finally slicing through the car straight down the middle.
The video, which was uploaded two weeks ago, has since gone viral, with more than 77,000 views.
The ad is the first of a series of three videos, of which the latter two are tantalizingly called Iced and Magnetized.
We can't wait.
The most bizarre and unexpected footage captured on in-car cameras! You'll never know what could happen to your car on the road....
No, it's not the result of a crazy accident but actually part of a creative marketing campaign by local bank DBS as part of their DriveShield campaign.
A 44-second video mysteriously entitled "Halved Car" purportedly shows how the car came to be sawn in half.
It shows two young men dressed in bermudas sparring at night with a green and red light saber in an epic battle. One eventually manages to knock the other's light saber out of his hands, resulting in the weapon spiralling through the air before finally slicing through the car straight down the middle.
The video, which was uploaded two weeks ago, has since gone viral, with more than 77,000 views.
The ad is the first of a series of three videos, of which the latter two are tantalizingly called Iced and Magnetized.
We can't wait.
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