Thursday, July 17, 2008

101 types of MAGIC

*Information Reference*

Let me tell u about magic. there are many many many types

-red magic
-white magic
-green magic
-purple magic
- and of course black magic

Each of this have different purposes i will not explain the 1st 7 cause its too broad...u need to go check it out urself using a search engine well...

Red Magic
- Red Magic spells are used to find a new lover, turn a good friend into a lover, draw a loved one closer, receive a proposal of marriage, celebrate married life, enforce sexual fidelity, mend lover's quarrels, bring back a lost lover, magnify lust, enhance libido, attract casual sexual partners, or increase fertility. Red magic spells can be gentle or strong, suggestive or coercive; what makes them all red magic spells is that they have something to do with romance, love, lust, fertility, or sexuality.

White Magic
- White Magic spells are used to protect, bless, heal, and help yourself or those you care for. They can bless new ventures, help the mind and body, shield people and places from curses and hexes, turn back evil magic spells, reverse bad conditions, break jinxes, and help good dreams and wishes come true. White magic spells are all intended to be positive, uplifting, and gentle; they are never coercive.

Green Magic
- Green Magic spells are used to bring in cash, draw in money, receive a job offer or promotion, bring back money owed, magnify gambling wins, enhance good luck, attract business partners and customers, or increase prosperity. Green magic spells can be gentle or strong, suggestive or coercive; what makes them all green magic spells is that they have something to do with money, gambling, business success, or wealth.

Purple Magic
- Purple Magic spells are used to bring in personal success, draw in allies, receive a favourable verdict in court, magnify rulership, force others to behave as desired, enhance control, attract helpful spirits or demons, or increase will power. Purple magic spells can be gentle or strong, suggestive or coercive; what makes them all purple magic spells is that they have something to do with controlling, commanding, compelling, or bending others to one's will.

Black Magic-
Black Magic spells are used to bring about sickness and unnatural illness, break up love affairs, create crossed conditions, send enemies away, force people out of their jobs, wreak justified vengeance, destroy those who have laid tricks for you, attract wrathful spirits and demons to aid in hurting others, or curse and hex people to death. Black magic spells can be gentle or strong, suggestive or coercive; what makes them all black magic spells is that they have something to do with hurting, harming, goofering, jinxing, or hot footing enemies.i dunno if all of the spells in this are real but u can go try... curse ur fren

For more information --

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