Thursday, July 24, 2008

BIG little girl - Jessica

Her name is Jessica

She is 5 years old but weight 200 pounds

Now...she is 7 years old and her weight is 400 pound ~~

This is The worlds biggest 7 year old. The poor girl cant walk and has to shuffle along like a Walruss and can take 35 minutes to climb up onto a chair. Things started to go bad due in part by her mother feeding her giant pizzas which would definitely feed at least 8 adults andf coming fom Germant, the land of chocolate doesn't help. Her brother is famous for his role in the new Charly and the Chocolate Factory Film. Luckily she did not succumb to the same fate as her brother and has now slimmed down and won the Miss Bavarian Beauty Teen Princess Pageant and is set to live happily ever after.

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