Friday, July 18, 2008

Tibetan Dzi beads (Tian Zhu)

Dzi beads are found mainly in the Himalayan region of Tibet , East Tibet, Bhutan Sikkim and Ladak. This rare gem is historically known as "Jiuyanshi tianzhu" (9 eye divine Dzi). Having been embedded in the sacred Buddhist soil of Tibet for thousands of years , Dzi beads exude a mystical aura and is considered one of Tibet's 7 treasures and a sacred Buddhist relic. Till today, Tibetans view Dzi beads as heavenly stones.

About three to four thousand years ago, a meteor from Mars crashed into the Himalayas. This led to the 14 different types of Mars elements in Dzi beads, with the element ytterbium possessing the strongest magnetic field. This is what gave rise to the mystic power of Dzi beads. Wearing Dzi beads in the long run can enhance our blood circulation and metabolism. It also improves our quality of sleep, revitalizes our body and balances foreign magnetic fields which may be harmful to us.

Patterns on Dzi beads reflect Brahmanic teaching of ancient India, and are symbolic of the "wulunfajieta" beliefs. Each pattern bears a different meaning. Yet they are somewhat similar to the Taoist beliefs of Yin & Yang and the 5 elements as the fundamentals of life. Hence from the geomancy point of view, Dzi beads can improve one's luck and help to ease problems and worries.

The mysterious and beautiful Dragon Totem Dzi beads form part of the mystifying Tibetan culture. It is heated in the kiln for 49 days, with lamas chanting and burning incense by the side. Only that can we see the beautiful dragon-like patterns on the Dzi beads. And its magnetic field is even more mesmerizing.It is also believed taht the Dzi Beads were made from meteorites fell from outer space thousands of years ago. the magnetic of Dzi Bead is three/ four times stronger than the normal crystals !

Dzi Beads bring you good Luck & Health !

Source : M.S.G. Magazine (March - April 07 issue)

1 comment:

  1. what do you think of those so called 108 eyes dzi? Could you pls email me your thoughts on them. tq
