Thursday, June 16, 2016

1954 Japan : The man from Taured

He claims to be from a country, that does not exist on our Earth. What happens at the airport, when he presents a passport from another world?
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Source : Ray Alex Web

The location of unknown country Taured is @ Andorra (between France & Spain)  photo 9_zps7c7t8hay.jpg
Journalistic coverage To this day, no official documents verifying the details of the story have surfaced.[1] Very few, if any, newspapers have written about the mystery.[2] The story, however, has been mention on page 86 in the 1989 book The Directory of Possibilities by Colin Wilson and John Grant (ISBN 0-552-119946), and also on page 64 in the 1999 book Strange But True: Mysterious and Bizarre People by Thomas Sleman (ISBN 0-760-712443).[1][2]
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