Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Hubble Deep Field: The Most Imp. Image Ever Taken

In 2003, the Hubble Space Telescope took the image of a millenium, an image that shows our place in the universe. Anyone who understands what this image represents, is forever changed by it.

This is the latest incarnation of the HDF video. The narration has been edited to include research from a paper in Physical Review Letters (2004) which puts the size of the universe at 46.5 billion light years (In the video narration, it was round that value up to 47 billion light years.)

The Hubble Ultra Deep Field in 3D

This is an animation that was rendered using the measured redshift of all 10,000 galaxies in the Hubble Ultra Deep Field image.

It will leads you through a quick history of both deep field images and this video ends with a fly-through of the Ultra Deep Field.

Every galaxy in the image is in its proper distance as viewed from the telescope line of sight.Amazing !!

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