Sunday, August 31, 2008

Nokia Moon Cake

According to Email , these are sold from Starbucks (Not available in Singapore)...not sure which country

Anyway, they really look real and nice , YEAH !!

Be careful...DON"T end up eating your own "look-alike" real nokia Handphone ~~ haha


VISA Advertisement - BeiJing 2008 Olympic

Featuring Jackie Chan ....and Yao Ming ~

Creative Mail Box













Victoria Falls (Zimbabwe ~ Africa)

Welcome to The Devil's Swimming Pool (Africa)

In Zimbabwe, Africa, you will find the magnificent Victoria Falls at a height of 128m. The location is known as 'The Devil's Swimming Pool'.
During the months of September and December, people can swim as close as possible to the edge of the falls without falling over!
These falls are becoming well known amongst the 'radical tourist' industry as more and more people search for the ultimate experience.

Would you dare?


放輕鬆,隨性做:《The Pop-up Book of Sex》




喔,Harper Entertainment聽到大家的心聲,在2006年推出了這本寓教於樂的好書,準備讓你的另一半為你的勤學不倦「叫好」。

這當然不是第一本以「性」為題材的立體書,2003年的時候Stewart, Tabori and Chang就出了一本以Kama Sutra為題材的立體書《The Pop-Up Kama Sutra》(而且還出了兩本)。

Kama是印度的愛神,Sutra 是手冊、指南的意思。Kama Surta of Vateyayana 是八世紀印度的一本哲學與心理學的書。書中講述以各種技巧及素材來提昇感官與性愛的歡愉程度,而使精神與肉體均能昇華到極點…簡單的說就是嘿咻的教戰手冊。這本書洋洋灑灑寫了48頁,不過只有6頁作成立體。而且老實說,不知道是不是因為印度人練瑜珈筋骨比較柔軟,裡面介紹的眾多技術,我個人覺得只有體操選手才做得到。



古印度人的層次太高,相較之下由Harper Entertainment出版的《The Pop up Book of Sex》就平易近人多了。

【The Classic】

【get Enlightened】Kama Sutra

【Ride ‘em Cowgirl】

【Mile-High Club】

video of ghosts, spirits,demons

"They" are all around us ~~!!!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Video clip and brief overview of Teresa Fidalgo haunting

realli scary lor.. when she see that's the spot where she met the accident.. den the camera shoot her.. her face immediately changed.. then accident happened....

Note: This is a re-enactment of a bizarre car accident caused by a spirit in Sintra Portugal.The real footage is with the local police.

Downloadable video clip :

At approximately 4mins 20seconds, the group of teenagers stopped to pick up a stranger on the road, that’s when the strange chain of events started acting up.During that short ride after Teresa boarded the car, she actually told them she was killed in an accident 2 years ago but they didn’t believe her. Thereafter she pointed to the exact spot where she claimed she was killed before reverting to her true form.

Some bizarre facts:

- 2 years before the real victims of this accident met this spirit, there were actual police records, which depict another fatal accident, involved this girl by the name of Teresa Fidalgo back in 1983.

- Although this video was only a re-enactment of the actual accident, for some unexplained reason, the frames somehow ‘jumped’ and went out of focus whenever the camera was focused on the girl who played Teresa’s role in that actual accident. Also notice that when the girl who played Teresa pointed to the road ahead, that particular street lamp directly above was put out.

- In the actual accident, police authorities found a DV camera recording, which is 13-14 minutes long, which shows what had actually taken place before the accident.

- In the actual investigations, the police later released that the car crash had never hit anything it just flipped over without any actual explanation and coincidentally that very same street lamp, which was taken out during this re-enactment. :freakedout:

防见鬼十法 / 10Ways to aviod seeing ghost

一、司空不宜留荫    在面相学上,司空乃发光之处,若额前留“荫”遮及司空位,等于弄熄这盏明灯,霉气、衰气便会缠 住你不放,灵 体鬼怪也容易接近你,故司空位的头发最好剪碎或拨开。( don't let your hair over your forehead i.e don't look like the beatles)

二、逛夜街忌穿红衣   夜晚外出,有两大忌,一忌穿黑衣,皆因黑黑沉沉的颜色,鬼怪灵体最喜欢依附在此。二忌穿红衣, 红色对于恶鬼 来说,属标奇立异的颜色,容易惹起注意,爱出夜街的男女要谨记。( Dont wear black or red at midnight) add ons: When on the streets at night.

三、戒鬼字挂口边   “小鬼”、“衰鬼”、“鬼理你”、“这么鬼麻烦啊”是不少人的口头禅。记住,这类说话不宜多说, 因发音磁场 可能会触及鬼怪。如果你常把“鬼”字挂口边,实在要戒。(don't mention "ghost" frequently)

四、长走廊安灯   很多家居间隔都有长走廊,长走廊经常不见阳光,造成阴盛阳衰的局面,是鬼怪灵异最爱藏匿之处, 所以若家中有 长走廊,记得装一盏长明灯增强阳气,免得鬼怪停留不走。(don't walk in dark or poorly lit alley)

五、爬山戴玉器   登山远足是不错的假日消闲活动,但由于高地湿气重,加上很多动物死后,尸体腐化于此,无形中强 化了负面磁场 。不想见到“脏东西”,不妨佩戴一些玉器饰物,借此增强个人的正面磁场。(Mountains are often laden with dead animals so the ying is strong. Advisable to wear jade etc when climbing mountains)

六、别玩碟仙笔仙    年轻人爱寻求刺激,喜欢大伙儿玩碟仙、笔仙,从而预知未来事。事实上,如此直接与灵体接触、沟 通,日常很容 易会感应到“它们”的存在。尤其发觉近排印堂发黑气者,这类玩意更是大忌。(Don't play saucer)

七、八卦挡邪气   殡仪馆是先人出殡的地方,兼且弥漫哀伤气氛,故负面磁场旺盛。家住殡仪馆附近的朋友,建议在窗 外挂一块八卦 。当中的八个卦数代表正气,正气十足,自然不怕邪气入屋,住近殡仪馆都不怕。(funeral parlour likely to attract ghost, so advisable to place 8 diagram if your house are near to such places)

八、探病先拜家神   若需要经常出入医院探病,事前不妨往拜神,求个心安理得。若然探望的病人是你的亲戚,拜祭家神 特别奏效;而 倘若病人是朋友而非亲戚,则可以到一般庙上香祈求神明庇佑。(Have some prayers before hospital visitations)

九、住酒店忌尾房   去旅行住酒店,不少人都说尾房不宜住。这的确有根有据,皆因尾房通常日照不足,有欠阳气,而灵 体最喜欢流连 此类阴暗之地,所以如果住酒店被分配尾房,不妨换房。(When checking into hotels, advisable not to choose the last stretch of room due to lack of sunlight)

十、灵性号码要避忌   至于酒店房间的门牌号码也需留意,在风水学上,“二”及“五”均属灵性的数字,故酒店房间尾数 不宜有“二” 或“五”,不然容易引起灵怪注意,时运低者便可能和“它们”撞个正着。(according to fengshui, 2 & 5 belong to spiritual numbers, avoid taking room numbers with 2 or 5)

Imported Toy (Love Doll from Japan)

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

A spooky Ghost guest at a wedding party

THIS picture shows the presence of an unexpected wedding guest while a pair of newlyweds enjoy their first dance.

Jordan Martin, 12, caught the blurry figure as the couple danced at their wedding reception at Tewkesbury Rugby Club, Gloucester.
He was speechless when he flicked through his snaps and saw the haunting image of a woman’s head and torso floating inches from the ground near the DJ booth.

He said: "I didn’t see the ghost until a couple of days later when I was looking at the pictures on the computer. I thought it was really weird because it really looks like there’s a ghost in the picture.?"

The picture was taken as newlyweds Nigel and Helen Davis took to the floor for the first dance after their wedding at Gloucester Register Office on May 31 2008

His mum Ann, of Northway, Gloucester doesn’t believe in ghosts but cannot explain the figure's strange appearance.

She said: "it was a shock when I saw the picture. It looks pretty clear to me and it looks so real. Jordan is quite excited about it. It’s a bit weird.?"